"Surely," you think, "there's no way in hell this can be legal."
Oh, but I assure you it it is. See, every song on this mixtape (I called it a sampler as a slap in the face of nostalgia) is licensed under the Creative Commons license, more specifically, they all fall under share and share alike. So, since these are the originals, and I will give plenty of credit to the origin artists, and I'm not charging anything for it, I'm in the clear.
I've actually fallen in love with this idea and a lot of it has to do with the fact that there's an ass-ton of quality music being produced under it by bands so off the spectrum that they can't even be considered under the radar, most of these bands are off the fucking map completely. And that's where the beauty lies.
There's no pretense, no faking, no bending their musical values over a pleather covered foot board in order to appeal to a specific group of idiots. It's music at it's purest, it's one of the few things that make you hope the world WON'T actually be ending soon.
The problem? With the vast amount of music out there, and though I don't criticize these artists for expressing themselves and doing what they love, a large amount of it happens to be crap. It's a large pile to sift through, but in some strange way, it makes the nuggets of gold you find all the more rewarding.
The solution? Cut out the middle man, my main goal behind this sampler idea. In doing this I hope to expose you to some really fantastic music by some really fantastic bands and in the process, maybe encourage you to make a donation, buy some merchandise, or see a show (Inherent Problem - A good number of these bands are foreign and don't play the states, but if you're ever over seas...), or pretty much do anything you can think of to help encourage these artists to not only follow their dreams, but to continue doing it outside the system in such a way that rewards their fans for loving their music, instead of punishing them for it.
So, without further ado:
...Quite Useless Creative Commons Sampler: 01
Click to Download

Track Listing and Information:
1- The Uttica Stare - The Riot Before --- From the 2007 album So Long, the Lighthouse comes this fun pop-punk song, complete with sing-along chant. Check out their new album Fists Buried in Pockets out now (For Free!) from Paper + Plastick.
2- Bella Ciao - Talco --- Another (partial) sing-along, unless you know Italian, then feel free to sing along to the whole track. This up-tempo tune hails from the 2006 album Combat Circus and songs from their new album Mazel Tov can be heard on their Myspace page.
3- Evening Constitutional - Hard Girls --- Getting away from the punk/ska mix and moving into rock-land, we come across a nice little song that will have you tapping your feet to it in no time. Off the album Hello, the band can be found here.
4- She Don't Call Me Baby Till She Cries - Racecar --- Drop out of rock, fall into country. This song comes from a singer/songwriter who used to go under the Racecar moniker, but now uses the name Luke Tan. The album is Country Gold and Luke can be found here.
5- La Menteuse - Louis Lingg and the Bombs --- Try to not clap along to this. Anarchist punk at its best, done by the French and full of attitude. From the album Long Live the Anarchist Revolutionaries!, you can find them on MySpace.
6- Mississippi Voodoo - The Rogues --- Rock n' Roll this time. A gritty and dirty, bad-ass track from the album Project 69. These Italians can be found here.
7- Phänomenal - Bilk --- Rock n' Roll again, only slower... and from Germany. For some reason this song makes me think of a German No Doubt, don't know why. The album is Ich Will Hier Raus and they are all aboard the MySpace train.
8- Molten - No, Really --- Back to a singer/songwriter, this time female. Voice: Gorgeous. I can listen to this song over and over on that merit alone. Sounds like she would be a perfect fit for Chicago St. and seeing how she's based out of Murfreesboro, TN, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch. This is from the CD Rust and her website (complete with a bunch more of her songs) can be found here.
9- THERE'S My Bailout! - Bomb the Music Industry! --- Country/Rock/Punk song about the pitfalls of our current society. Heavy (not really) stuff from the split album with Laura Stevenson and the Cans. The album and more can be found here.
10- On the Way - SFH --- Apparently I've been on a bit of a ska kick lately. Nostalgia? Maybe. Still, who cares about genres when you can sing along to a song from a band you've never heard of? Not me, sir. Not me. Album: Welcome Yuppie Scum - Website Here.
11- Caro Amore - Rein --- Italian anti-war song. Beautiful lyrics beautifully sung in a beautiful language. That's all you need to know. From the album EST!, the band can be found here.
12- La Rose du Caire - Rachel Baz --- A perfect end to this little experiment. We've gone back to France and apparently back in time, to at least... the sixties. A great song to lounge about drinking expensive liquor at 10 in the morning. The album is Ramenez-moi and Rachel can be found here.
1- The Uttica Stare - The Riot Before --- From the 2007 album So Long, the Lighthouse comes this fun pop-punk song, complete with sing-along chant. Check out their new album Fists Buried in Pockets out now (For Free!) from Paper + Plastick.
2- Bella Ciao - Talco --- Another (partial) sing-along, unless you know Italian, then feel free to sing along to the whole track. This up-tempo tune hails from the 2006 album Combat Circus and songs from their new album Mazel Tov can be heard on their Myspace page.
3- Evening Constitutional - Hard Girls --- Getting away from the punk/ska mix and moving into rock-land, we come across a nice little song that will have you tapping your feet to it in no time. Off the album Hello, the band can be found here.
4- She Don't Call Me Baby Till She Cries - Racecar --- Drop out of rock, fall into country. This song comes from a singer/songwriter who used to go under the Racecar moniker, but now uses the name Luke Tan. The album is Country Gold and Luke can be found here.
5- La Menteuse - Louis Lingg and the Bombs --- Try to not clap along to this. Anarchist punk at its best, done by the French and full of attitude. From the album Long Live the Anarchist Revolutionaries!, you can find them on MySpace.
6- Mississippi Voodoo - The Rogues --- Rock n' Roll this time. A gritty and dirty, bad-ass track from the album Project 69. These Italians can be found here.
7- Phänomenal - Bilk --- Rock n' Roll again, only slower... and from Germany. For some reason this song makes me think of a German No Doubt, don't know why. The album is Ich Will Hier Raus and they are all aboard the MySpace train.
8- Molten - No, Really --- Back to a singer/songwriter, this time female. Voice: Gorgeous. I can listen to this song over and over on that merit alone. Sounds like she would be a perfect fit for Chicago St. and seeing how she's based out of Murfreesboro, TN, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch. This is from the CD Rust and her website (complete with a bunch more of her songs) can be found here.
9- THERE'S My Bailout! - Bomb the Music Industry! --- Country/Rock/Punk song about the pitfalls of our current society. Heavy (not really) stuff from the split album with Laura Stevenson and the Cans. The album and more can be found here.
10- On the Way - SFH --- Apparently I've been on a bit of a ska kick lately. Nostalgia? Maybe. Still, who cares about genres when you can sing along to a song from a band you've never heard of? Not me, sir. Not me. Album: Welcome Yuppie Scum - Website Here.
11- Caro Amore - Rein --- Italian anti-war song. Beautiful lyrics beautifully sung in a beautiful language. That's all you need to know. From the album EST!, the band can be found here.
12- La Rose du Caire - Rachel Baz --- A perfect end to this little experiment. We've gone back to France and apparently back in time, to at least... the sixties. A great song to lounge about drinking expensive liquor at 10 in the morning. The album is Ramenez-moi and Rachel can be found here.
Have you ever considered that, for me at least, not thinking might be a good thing? God knows my mind is filled with nothing but oh, so terrible thoughts.
Bonus Track: An Open Door (Live) - Illinois
1 comment:
Thanks a lot! Glad you like our song, La Menteuse!
Vive la revolution!
New album on Creative commons very soon!
Rock on,
Louis Lingg and the Bombs
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