Friday, January 30, 2009

Like the idiots do on message boards; FIRST!

Yay! We have a new governor, Mr. Patrick Joseph Quinn, let us sit back and watch as nothing still gets done.

What I can't wait for is the inevitable run in he has with the Madigan's when he does something they don't like. It'll be just like the good ol' days.

So, in the nature of the way we're heading, let me be the first to call for the immediate resignation or, if need be, impeachment, of Gov. Quinn. Sure, he's never been convicted, and we don't have any real evidence of wrongdoing, but it's not like that's stopped us before. Quick, someone tap his phones...

Meanwhile, if you watch what I watch (and you really should), then you'll know where I got the tag-line above from. It's from the most fantastic show, well ever, called Burn Notice. It's about a spy trying to get his life back with the help of his friends and family, while doing seriously illegal things to the low-life hoodlums and thugs of the City of Miami. Sexy, smart, and violent, it's really what TV was invented for.

Oh, did I mention, it co-stars Bruce Campbell as a heavy drinking, former Navy SEAL. I guess that's all you really needed to know.

(And, his movie, My Name is Bruce, will be out on DVD and Blu-Ray on February 10th.)

1 comment:

KnowNothingTim said...

Bruce's ultimate performance is still Bubba Hotep.
Geriatric Elvis in a nursing home with a growth on his dong, and a Egyptian mummy on the loose.
Did I mention his best friend is Black JFK?
-Impeachably yours,