J.C. Penny, department store extraordinaire, has produced a line that, even I, find questionable in its branding. If you've been in any of their stores lately and have a mind like I do, then it shouldn't be too hard to figure out which one I'm talking about, it hit me right in the face as I walked in. But, if I must spell it out:
a.n.a. - A New Approach
First off, let me say that the name itself is a flat-out, fucking lie. Ana is not a new approach. In fact, it's so not new that there are a number of support groups out there to help people dealing with the affliction.
No. But, kudos to the marketing team for sliding that little turn of phrase in there. Nothing like the inside joke of naming your women's clothing company after an illness that many of your target audience develops because of the models wearing your product. It's so wonderously circular, it's quite amazing that someone could find this not a good idea.
In the grand scheme of things, I don't actually care and I'd never call for a ban or a boycott. I find it hard to believe that people are starving themselves to fit into J.C. Penny clothes, but it's still tasteless nonetheless. Seriously. It'd be like a calling a summer retreat for A.D.D. stricken Jewish kids Camp Concentration.
Body image is a dangerous thing to fuck around with, especially when it comes to the young people out there, but maybe I'm the only one reading too much into this. Who knows? Maybe I am, but if an idiot like me can make the connection, that means one young girl can too. But, what's one person in the grand scheme of personal fortune?
You really don't want me to answer that.
Yeah. Sometimes, though I'd never admit, certain things hit a little too close to home.
Now playing: Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Me And Mia
via FoxyTunes
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