Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"He plays on like he doesn't know that it's killing me. Yeah. To the end, I keep hearing the devil's strings."

You know what everybody can get behind? Some unreasonable and unintelligible yelling, that's what. Now, let's also pretend that we're protesting something important, let's say some sketchy, no-bid government contracts handed over to the friends of those we elected.

What? Too complicated?

Alright. Let's go with health care instead. But, we have to make sure we get really loud about this. I mean screaming to you see colors type of loud, and we should work in clear references to Communism...

And subtle references to the Nazi's...

And don't forget, the pinkos elected a color to the white house, so let's remember to keep the racism tasteful...

In the end, please remember that this is all grassroots and we do this for the people, like us, who have gotten the short end of the stick called life.

OK. Enough with the impossible attempt at conveying sarcasm over the Internet, this is serious. I understand this is America and we all have the right to protest, but Jesus, could you Tea-Partiers just shut the hell up for a minute and listen?

First and foremost, you are not grassroots, at least you aren't any more. You are now being manipulated by groups such as Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks into yelling and fighting against programs that are being developed to help those who can't afford the rising cost of health care stave off death for a few more years. The irony of which, seeing these protest on television, these programs would be life savers to the many of those protesting against it.

Now, I'm well aware that this is a rash generalization and that there are many who don't fit into this mold, that there are actually some people protesting against the idea of a larger government and some people trying to project their ideals onto the country. (Unfortunately, a lot of the latter being whitey's irrational fear of blackie.) But, even for those people, it might be a good idea to look into who you're actually protesting for.

It's as easy as looking into the main media outlet for organization and news coverage of these protests; Fox News Channel. It's almost a sad cliché at this point and I must be the millionth person to say this, but this is indicative of textbook Republican Party strategy and they're using it to make sure the people attending these events are as unruly as possible in a propagandistic move to make Americans scared of those only trying to help them. Many of you are Republicans, some of you are not, but all of you are pawns.

Pawns of two different groups, the first of which being Americans for Prosperity - we will just refer to them as "Big Oil". Big Oil (and, by which I mean the company behind Americans for Prosperity - Koch Industries), besides organizing Tea Party Protests in Dallas-Fort Worth and Washington D.C., has done a lot to get itself into trouble recently. From subsidiaries having to pay massive fines for oil spills and environmental law breaking, to the actually company settling a law suit with the federal government for what amounts to stealing oil from Indian lands. The actually guy in charge of Americans for Prosperity, Tim Phillips, was a former parter in Century Strategies, and the easiest way for me to show why this is important is just to link one name; Jack Abramoff. Now, I'm sure your asking; "What does Big Oil have against government sponsored health care?" It's actually an easily answerable question - just visit Patients United Now for answers straight from Big Oil's mouth. If you don't believe what they tell you there (And, God knows I wouldn't blame you) then it probably has something to do with our next organization.

, is a non-profit based out Washington D.C. and is chaired by former U.S. Representative, Dick Armey. (Ignore the juvenile jokes about tea parties, tea bags and Dick Armey, please. David Schuster already beat you to it.) To keep this short, the area of FreedomWorks that you need to pay attention to is the company its chairman's former lobbying firm represents, and that would be pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb. I can't imagine they would have a problem with drug prices in this country being contained to a reasonable level, can you?

The point is, these are the same old wolves from the last time this country tried to fix health care only now they're wearing a different sheep's clothing. What's saddest of all is they're scaring the people who could use these changes the most to protest against them, so these companies can keep up the status quo and continue legally robbing the sick of this country blind. I'm not saying you can't protest, and I'm not saying you shouldn't protest this subject, but do it on your own merits and not on those who couldn't care less about you, those who can afford health insurance, those who would crush you if you accidentally got in their way. These Tea Parties are not your friends, they are the same people who've looked upon with disdain and disgust for years. Don't say I didn't try to warn you.

That was the day I decided I didn't want to try anymore.

Now playing: Karl Larsson - Devil's Strings
via FoxyTunes

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